If you’re looking to expand your knowledge of PowerShell and start working it like a pro, you should check out this book from some of the premier PowerShell trainers and gurus.  Written by Don Jones and Jeff Hicks, Learn PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches takes you through the basics of PowerShell in a series of one hour training sessions. (These links take you to Amazon to buy the book. If you buy from these links, I’ll get a small commission but it won’t cost you any extra)

Each training session ends with a simple practice session to get you actually putting into practice the lesson of the day and turning it into some PowerShell code.

This is the second version of this book. But you don’t need the first, which was written for earlier versions of PowerShell.

If you’re wondering if you know enough about PowerShell to get started with Learn PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunchesyou do. This first chapters and lessons start out just right for the person that’s wanting to learn PowerShell and it doesn’t assume that you have any knowledge coming in.

The later chapters guide you through some great techniques and principles that will help you to take your PowerShelling to new heights, both from an interactive shell and your written out scripts.

Don Jones is probably the most experienced PowerShell trainer out there.  He’s a multi-year recipient of the Microsoft MVP in PowerShell, and if you take a pre or post conference training session on PowerShell, it’s probably taught by Don. I’ve taken a training session from him before. I went into it thinking I knew a lot more than I actually did.  By the end of the training a couple of hours later, I had crazy new PowerShell-jitsu moves.

Jeff Hicks is a great PowerShell blogger, author and speaker.  He is also a Microsoft MVP for his work advocating PowerShell. He’s written training material for PowerShell and is an all-around cool guy.

I recommend this book as a great resource for getting up to speed with PowerShell.  We’ve been saying for years how important PowerShell is to system administrators, and if you’re ready to take the plunge this is an excellent way to start on the right foot.