PowerShell is a powerful automation tool that allows administrators to execute commands, scripts, and programs on local and remote computers. PowerShell is designed to help system administrators automate tasks, configure settings, and manage servers and workstations. While PowerShell is a great tool, it can also be complicated and overwhelming to use, especially for new users. In this article, we will explore PowerShell errors and debugging and how to handle, trace, and log errors in PowerShell.

PowerShell Error Handling

PowerShell error handling is an essential concept to understand when working with PowerShell scripts. Error handling refers to the process of detecting, responding to, and recovering from errors that occur while running PowerShell commands or scripts. PowerShell errors can occur for various reasons, such as syntax errors, runtime errors, or logical errors.

Using the “ErrorAction” parameter to prevent errors from bugging you.

PowerShell provides the ErrorAction parameter to control how errors are handled within a script or command. This parameter allows you to set the action that PowerShell should take when an error occurs. One of the options available is “SilentlyContinue”, which tells PowerShell to suppress the error message and continue with the script or command.

For example, consider the following command that attempts to stop a service named “MyService”:

Stop-Service -Name MyService

If the service is not running, PowerShell will generate an error message stating that the service could not be stopped. However, if you add the ErrorAction parameter with a value of “SilentlyContinue”, PowerShell will not display the error message and will continue running the script:

Stop-Service -Name MyService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Keep in mind that blocking errors in this way can make it difficult to identify and troubleshoot problems within your scripts. It’s generally better to use try/catch/finally blocks to handle errors and take appropriate actions based on the type of error that occurred.

Catching those pesky bugs with Try-Catch-Finally

PowerShell provides various error-handling mechanisms to help you manage errors that occur while running PowerShell commands or scripts. One of the primary mechanisms is the use of the try-catch-finally statement. The try-catch-finally statement enables you to catch errors that occur while running PowerShell commands or scripts and take appropriate actions to handle those errors.

try {
    # Attempt to execute some code here
    $result = Get-Item -Path "C:\Some\File\Path"
    Write-Host "File exists"
catch {
    # Handle any errors that occur here
    Write-Host "An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)"
finally {
    # Clean up resources or perform any final actions here
    Write-Host "This code block always executes, regardless of whether an exception was caught or not."

In this example, the try block attempts to get the item located at the specified file path. If this code executes successfully, the $result variable is populated with the item object and a message is written to the console. If an error occurs, the catch block handles the exception and writes an error message to the console. Finally, the finally block executes regardless of whether an exception was caught or not, and performs any necessary cleanup actions.

Note that in a try-catch-finally block, the catch and finally blocks are optional. You can use a try block on its own, or include one or both of the other blocks as necessary for your code.

Using the try-catch-finally statement provides more control over how PowerShell handles errors and allows you to execute specific code when an error occurs. By handling errors explicitly, you can make your PowerShell scripts more robust and reliable. In the next section, we will explore PowerShell error tracing and logging, which can help you diagnose and troubleshoot errors that occur while running PowerShell scripts.

PowerShell Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying and resolving errors or bugs in a script or program. PowerShell provides several tools and techniques for debugging, making it easier to diagnose and fix issues in your scripts. In this section, we will explore some of the most useful PowerShell debugging features.

Using PowerShell Debug Mode

PowerShell includes a debug mode that you can enable to step through your code line-by-line and examine variables and expressions as you go. To enter debug mode, add the -Debug switch to your PowerShell command or function. For example:

function Get-MyData {

    Write-Debug "Getting data..."
    $data = Get-Data
    Write-Debug "Data retrieved."

    return $data

In this example, the Write-Debug cmdlet is used to output debugging messages to the console. When the Get-MyData function is executed with the -Debug switch, these messages will be displayed in the console along with the output of the function.

Using Breakpoints to Stop Your Code for Debugging

Another powerful debugging feature in PowerShell is breakpoints. Breakpoints allow you to pause the execution of your script at a specific line or statement and examine the state of your variables and expressions. To set a breakpoint, use the Set-PSBreakpoint cmdlet. For example:

function Get-MyData {

    Write-Debug "Getting data..."
    $data = Get-Data
    Write-Debug "Data retrieved."

    return $data

Set-PSBreakpoint -Script Get-MyData -Line 5
Get-MyData -Debug

In this example, we set a breakpoint on line 5 of the Get-MyData function using the Set-PSBreakpoint cmdlet. When the function is executed with the -Debug switch, it will pause at line 5, allowing you to examine the value of $data and other variables at that point in the script.

Debugging your PowerShell Script in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code provides excellent support for PowerShell debugging. To start debugging a PowerShell script in Visual Studio Code, open the script in the editor and press F5. This will launch the script in debug mode, and you can set breakpoints, examine variables, and step through your code using the Debug toolbar.

Visual Studio Code also provides several helpful features, such as the ability to evaluate expressions and variables in the Debug Console and the ability to debug PowerShell scripts remotely on other machines.

Writing Useful Debugging Messages to a Log

In addition to outputting debugging messages to the console, you can also write them to a log file using the Start-Transcript cmdlet. This cmdlet starts a transcript of the PowerShell session and writes all output to a specified file. For example:

Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Logs\MyScript.log"
Write-Debug "Starting script..."
# rest of script here

In this example, we start a transcript of the PowerShell session using the Start-Transcript cmdlet and specify the output file using the -Path parameter. All output, including debugging messages, will be written to the specified log file. Once the script is complete, the transcript can be stopped using the Stop-Transcript cmdlet.

Overall, PowerShell provides several useful tools and techniques for debugging scripts and identifying and resolving errors. By using features such as debug mode, breakpoints, and logging, you can make the debugging process faster and more efficient, helping you to write better PowerShell scripts.

PowerShell Tracing

PowerShell tracing is a powerful feature that allows users to log each command, its parameters, and its output, which can help debug and troubleshoot PowerShell scripts. PowerShell tracing provides visibility into how a script is executed and what values are passed to commands.

PowerShell tracing can be enabled by using the Start-Transcript cmdlet. This cmdlet creates a transcript of all PowerShell command activity in a session. The Start-Transcript cmdlet takes a file path as its argument and saves the transcript to the specified file.

Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Logs\transcript.log"

This command starts a transcript and saves it to “C:\Logs\transcript.log”. All commands executed after this cmdlet will be logged to this file until Stop-Transcript is called.


This command stops the transcript and saves it to the file specified in Start-Transcript.

In addition to the Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript cmdlets, PowerShell also provides a built-in tracing feature called Verbose. The Verbose parameter can be used to provide additional information about the execution of a script. When the Verbose parameter is used with a command, PowerShell writes additional information about the command execution to the console.

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users -Verbose

This command lists all the files and directories in the C:\Users directory and displays additional information about the operation on the console.

PowerShell also provides a built-in tracing feature called Debug. The Debug parameter can be used to track the execution of a script, command, or function by logging messages to the console. When the Debug parameter is used, PowerShell logs messages to the console that provide information about the execution of the script.

Set-Variable -Name MyVariable -Value "My Value" -Debug

This command sets a variable named “MyVariable” to “My Value” and logs a message to the console indicating that the command is executing.

In addition to these built-in tracing features, PowerShell also supports a number of third-party tracing tools that can help users diagnose and troubleshoot PowerShell scripts. Some popular tools include PSScriptAnalyzer, PowerShell Studio, and Visual Studio Code.

Overall, PowerShell tracing is a powerful feature that can help users diagnose and troubleshoot PowerShell scripts. By using PowerShell tracing, users can log each command, its parameters, and its output, which provides visibility into how a script is executed and what values are passed to commands.

PowerShell Logging to the Windows Event Logs

PowerShell provides an easy and convenient way to log events to the Windows Event Logs. Logging to the Event Logs allows administrators to easily view and analyze logs across multiple systems, as the Event Logs are stored in a central location. In this section, we will explore how to log events to the Windows Event Logs using PowerShell.

To log events to the Windows Event Logs, we will use the Write-EventLog cmdlet. This cmdlet allows us to create and write entries to any event log on a local or remote computer. The basic syntax of the cmdlet is as follows:

Write-EventLog -LogName <string> -Source <string> -EventId <int> `
  [-EntryType {Error | Warning | Information | SuccessAudit | FailureAudit}] [-Message <string>] ` # Optional parameters
  [-Category <int>] [-RawData <byte[]>] [-ComputerName <string>] # More optional parameters

Let’s break down the parameters:

  • LogName: specifies the name of the event log to write to, such as “Application” or “System”.
  • Source: specifies the name of the application or component that is writing to the log.
  • EventId: specifies the numeric ID of the event.
  • EntryType: specifies the type of event being logged. Valid values are Error, Warning, Information, SuccessAudit, and FailureAudit.
  • Message: specifies the text of the event message.
  • Category: specifies the numeric category of the event.
  • RawData: specifies binary data to be associated with the event.
  • ComputerName: specifies the name of the remote computer to write to. If not specified, the cmdlet writes to the local computer.

Let’s take a look at an example. Suppose we want to log an event to the Application log with a source of “MyApp”, an ID of 100, and an information level. The message will say “MyApp started successfully.” We can do this with the following command:

Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source MyApp -EventId 100 -EntryType Information -Message "MyApp started successfully."

This will create an entry in the Application log that looks something like this:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MyApp
Date:          1/31/2023 12:00:00 PM
Event ID:      100
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      MyComputer
MyApp started successfully.

As you can see, the log entry contains the specified source, event ID, and message. It also includes the date, time, and computer name.

In addition to the basic parameters, Write-EventLog also supports some additional options, such as logging binary data and specifying a custom message file.

When logging to the Windows Event Logs, it’s important to follow best practices for event log management, such as regularly reviewing logs, setting appropriate retention policies, and monitoring for suspicious activity. By logging PowerShell events to the Windows Event Logs, you can easily track the activity of your PowerShell scripts and quickly identify and respond to any issues that arise.


PowerShell provides various tools and techniques to help you identify and troubleshoot errors in your scripts, functions, and modules. By understanding PowerShell’s error handling capabilities, you can gracefully handle exceptions, customize error messages, and write more robust code.

Debugging in PowerShell allows you to step through your code and identify errors by viewing variables, function calls, and more. Additionally, PowerShell’s tracing and logging capabilities can help you gain insight into the execution of your code and enable you to identify issues that may not be apparent through traditional debugging methods.

In this article, we’ve covered how to handle errors in PowerShell using try-catch blocks, how to debug PowerShell scripts, and how to use tracing and logging to diagnose issues. By implementing these techniques in your PowerShell scripts, you can ensure that your code is more reliable, maintainable, and less prone to errors.

Remember to always follow best practices when writing PowerShell scripts, such as using descriptive variable names, including comments, and regularly testing your code. With the right tools and techniques, PowerShell can be a powerful tool for automation and administration in any environment.