As a system administrator, one of your top priorities is likely the security of your systems and data. PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing not only Windows but your whole environment, but it can also pose a security risk if not used properly. In this article, we’ll discuss the various security features of PowerShell, including execution policies, certificates, and signing.

Before we dive into the specifics of PowerShell security, it’s worth taking a moment to emphasize the importance of learning PowerShell as a system administrator. PowerShell is a versatile and powerful language that allows you to automate many common administrative tasks. By learning PowerShell, you can save time and increase efficiency, while also gaining more control over your systems. Additionally, as a System Administrator, PowerShell is the best language choice for managing Windows systems, and a really strong choice for managing ANY system. So, investing time in learning PowerShell is a wise decision that can pay dividends for your career and your organization.

However, as with any powerful tool, it’s important to use PowerShell responsibly and securely. Fortunately, PowerShell provides several security features that can help mitigate potential risks.

The first and most basic security feature in PowerShell is the execution policy. Execution policies define what types of scripts can be run on a system. By default, PowerShell has a restrictive execution policy that prevents the execution of any script. This is to prevent malicious scripts from running without the user’s knowledge or consent. However, this default policy can be too restrictive for some scenarios, so it’s important to understand how to set and check execution policies to allow the execution of trusted scripts.

How Execution Policies Help Protect Your Systems From Running Unauthorized PowerShell Code

Execution policies in PowerShell define what types of scripts can be run on a system. They are essentially a security feature that helps prevent the execution of malicious scripts. By default, PowerShell has a restrictive execution policy that prevents the execution of any script. However, in many cases, you will need to run trusted scripts on your system, so it’s important to understand how to set and check execution policies.

There are several levels of execution policies in PowerShell, each with its own set of rules for script execution. These levels include:

  1. Restricted – This is the default execution policy in PowerShell. It prevents the execution of any script.
  2. AllSigned – This policy allows only signed scripts to run. This means that scripts must have a valid digital signature before they can be executed.
  3. RemoteSigned – This policy allows scripts to run if they are signed by a trusted publisher, or if they originated from the local system.
  4. Unrestricted – This policy allows any script to run, regardless of whether it is signed or not.
  5. Bypass – This policy completely bypasses the execution policy, allowing any script to run without any restrictions. This is not recommended for security reasons.

To set an execution policy in PowerShell, you can use the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet. For example, to set the execution policy to RemoteSigned, you can use the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

To check the current execution policy, you can use the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet. For example, to check the current execution policy, you can use the following command:


Execution policies can be overridden on a script-by-script basis by using the -ExecutionPolicy parameter when running a script. This allows you to temporarily bypass the execution policy for a specific script, without changing the system-wide policy.

So wrapping up on execution policies, they are an important security feature in PowerShell that help prevent the execution of malicious scripts. By understanding the different execution policy levels and how to set and check them, you can ensure that your system is secure while still allowing the execution of trusted scripts.

How PowerShell Uses Certificates to Play a Part in Keeping Your System and Your Code Safe

Certificates are another important security feature in PowerShell. Certificates are digital documents that are used to authenticate the identity of a person, organization, or device. In PowerShell, certificates can be used to secure communications, sign scripts, and authenticate PowerShell sessions.

There are several types of certificates that can be used in PowerShell, including:

  1. Self-signed certificates – These certificates are generated and signed by the same entity. They are often used for testing purposes or for small-scale deployments where a trusted third-party certificate authority is not available.
  2. Code-signing certificates – These certificates are used to sign PowerShell scripts, ensuring that the scripts are authentic and have not been tampered with.
  3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates – These certificates are used to secure communications between clients and servers over the internet. They are commonly used for web servers and other internet-facing services.
  4. Client certificates – These certificates are used to authenticate clients to servers. They are commonly used in scenarios where a user needs to authenticate to a remote server, such as when accessing a web-based application.

To create a certificate in PowerShell, you can use the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet. For example, to create a self-signed certificate, you can use the following command:

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "CN=MyTestCertificate"

This will create a new self-signed certificate with the subject “CN=MyTestCertificate”. You can then use this certificate to secure communications or sign PowerShell scripts.

Signing PowerShell Scripts is Easier than Most People Think

Signing PowerShell scripts is an important aspect of PowerShell security. Script signing ensures that scripts have not been tampered with since they were created and that they come from a trusted source. In order to sign a PowerShell script, you will need a code signing certificate.

Code signing certificates are digital certificates that are used to sign code, such as PowerShell scripts. They ensure that the code has not been tampered with and that it comes from a trusted source. You can obtain a code signing certificate from a trusted certificate authority, such as Digicert or Comodo. Alternatively, you can create a self-signed certificate using the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet in PowerShell.

Once you have a code signing certificate, you can use it to sign your PowerShell scripts. To sign a script, you will need to use the Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet. This cmdlet takes two parameters: the path to the script and the certificate that you want to use to sign the script.

Here’s an example of how to sign a script with a code signing certificate:

Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1 -Certificate (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert)

In this example, we’re signing a script called MyScript.ps1 located in the C:\Scripts directory. We’re using the certificate from the current user’s certificate store that has the CodeSigningCert property set to True. Once the script is signed, it will have a digital signature that can be verified using the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet.

It’s important to note that script signing is not foolproof. It’s still possible for malicious code to make its way onto a system, especially if the attacker has administrative privileges. However, script signing is an important security measure that can help prevent many types of attacks.


PowerShell provides many powerful tools and features that make it an excellent choice for system administrators. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s important to understand the security features of PowerShell to ensure that your systems are safe from potential attacks.

In this article, we’ve discussed some of the key security features of PowerShell, including execution policies, certificates, and signing. We’ve seen how execution policies can help prevent unauthorized scripts from running, how certificates can be used to sign scripts and ensure their authenticity, and how signing scripts can help prevent malicious code from being executed.

We’ve also emphasized the importance of staying up-to-date with PowerShell security best practices and keeping your system and software updated to ensure that you are protected against known vulnerabilities.

By taking these steps to secure your PowerShell environment, you can feel confident that your system is protected against potential threats. And with PowerShell’s powerful capabilities, you can streamline your administrative tasks and become more efficient in your work. So, take the time to learn PowerShell and its security features, and reap the benefits of this versatile and powerful tool.